Hi! I’m Dani, a chemistry professor and glass artist in Cincinnati, Ohio, dreaming up unique and affordable creations in fused Read more...
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creativity + sustainability + diversity
these three make the world a wonderful place to live
Creative PlaceMakers connects people, businesses and institutions which support creativity, sustainability and diversity as core values. The ABCD method (Asset Based Community Development) insures that these values thrive from the ground up, rather than from outsider initiatives.

This directory connects creatives locally and internationally, helping neighbors and travelers find each other. Launched in November 2024, we are still “learning the ropes”.
read the about page and the get listed page and join us!
This directory is about passions, not necessarily businesses. For example, a nurse who is a quilter in her spare time is welcome here. Listings are held for approval. We will inform you if we feel that your listing needs editing or is not the right fit for this community.
Artizan Made is our sister site, a collective of online shops selling high quality handmade products, focused on eco-fashion and home décor. We welcome new applications, especially shops that have sustainable practices. Both sites connect to each other.