Bee the Sunshine at Hayes Elementary - Neato Design Co
Featured Member: Bee the Sunshine at Hayes Elementary - Neato Design Co

get on the map!  share your talents!

creativity + sustainability + diversity

these three make the world a wonderful place to live


Creative PlaceMakers seeks to connect people, businesses and institutions that support intentional ways to hold up creativity, sustainability and diversity as core values in how they operate.  The ABCD method (Asset Based Community Development) insures that these values thrive from the ground up, rather than from outsider initiatives.

Artizan Made
Artizan Made

This directory aims to connect people locally and internationally, helping both neighbors and travelers find each other. Launched in October 2024, we are still “learning the ropes” and will work on making it as inclusive as possible while confining our relevance to what is known as “The Arts”.  Feedback is welcome as we navigate this huge endeavor!

In time, we will have a private membership area where people can share their projects and look for support.  We will also have a public events calendar.  But, one thing at a time.  We are using a complex WordPress theme that also has loads of options, so be patient and we will get there.

Please read the About page and the Get Listed page and if you like what we are doing, join us!  This directory is about passions, not necessarily businesses.  For example, a nurse who is a quilter in her spare time is welcome here.  Listings are held for approval. We will inform you if we feel that your listing needs editing or is not the right fit for this community.

Artizan Made is our sister site, a collective on online shops selling high quality handmade products, focused on eco-fashion and home décor.  We welcome new applications, especially shops that have sustainable practices.  Both sites connect to each other.

latest creatives

Holy Cow! Advisors – Thomas Spaulding

New Painting

Neddy Astudillo

New Places and Experiences

Katy Heyning Watercolor and Fine Art – Katy Heyning

New Visual Arts

Creativity Lessons with Helen Klebesadel

New Fashion Design

Mary Hertert

New Fiber Art


find your creative community!


get listed!


when creativity, sustainability and diversity thrive in a city or neighborhood, the people who walk its streets rejoice

Seattle, Washington. 1953. Members of the Seattle Tubing Society, photograph by Burt Glinn.
Seattle, Washington. 1953. Members of the Seattle Tubing Society, photograph by Burt Glinn.

create a circle!

map your community on creative placemakers

ethos:  the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution