circles are special places that take us to cities, neighborhoods, organizations, special interests and more!
Let us know if you want to create your own circle! If you have a significant following or want to map your neighborhood or organization, a circle can help you gather data on where your people live and what creative interests they engage in. It's easy and free! (You do have to be a member.) We create a tag for you and a spot here on our Circles page. As your people join and use your tag, they will pop into the Circle and your map automatically.
Example: A gallery featuring fine art might find that its Circle also has musicians, graphic designers and dancers and can tap into them for special events. A neighborhood might want to map what talent is available to them locally. These are all assets that we have access to but which might be hidden.  For more detailed info on how the Circles work, go here.
Click on the Circles below to see how they are displayed. Each has a description, a map, and their community. These will grow over time.