creativity lessons with helen klebesadel

Helen Klebesadel is a Wisconsin artist, educator,  creativity coach, and an arts activist.

Helen Klebesadel is a Wisconsin artist, educator,  creativity coach, and an arts activist. A university art professor until she retired to full time art in 2018, Helen offers in person and online watercolor workshops and creativity coaching with the goal of encouraging others to find and expanded their own creative voices. Best known for her environmental and women centered watercolors,  she is committed to using her art to visually think about the world and her place in it.  Understanding that the arts both reflect and create our understanding of reality, she believes encouraging a broader range of voices to inform our society and cultures will move us toward a better, more inclusive, world.  Working from the premise that the world is not better if we do not share our creative and critical thinking through our art, whether for personal growth or to share, Helen considers encouraging people to create and trust their artistic voices as a radical act toward positive change.  Let’s make art! If you have taken classes or workshops or creativity coaching with me join this ‘Creativity Lessons with Helen Klebesadel’ circle. The top video, shown below, shows a part of Helen’s process.  Description:
“This video demonstrates using the art making process as an active meditation to induce the experience of ‘flow.’ Artist, educator, and creativity coach, Helen Klebesadel, shares how she uses the process of painting with watercolors to create an opportunity for a flow experience. She makes suggestions about how you can create the same opportunities using the art materials you know and love too.”
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